For .companies

where are
the women?

You are on the lookout for a rare jewel: a woman familiar with the French environment but with an international background. And, of course, a woman who is a member of the senior leadership team of her organization.

However, this is where things become problematic: the presence of women on management boards remains very limited, even more so than for women on boards of directors.

So how to find adequate candidates or the right board member for you?

Many talented women reached out to us. Their trackrecord is impressive. And they are ready to take on a board memberships.

Our mission is quite simple : to connect them to you in an efficient way


You might wonder who we are. And why we endorsed this mission to get women onboard.

The answer is easy as an algorithm :

• Digital tools have helped solve many problems.
• Why not try to solve board equality issues with a dedicated platform?
• Focus on qualifying talented women to provide liquidity.
• Strengthen boards’ trust through a rigorous application screening process.
• Allow connections to happen smoothly.
• Deliver amazing results and change the game.

Sure, it’s disruptive to try to tackle such issues with digital tools. But innovation drives the world, and we’re certain you’ll appreciate the efficiency we deliver.

How to make
things happen?

All of our candidates have completed a dedicated form so as to explain and promote their track records.

We have focused on particular attributes in their applications, including : Core experiences : legal, financial, business.

• Years of experiense
• Mother tongue
• Other languages
• International exposure

You can search for such attributes in using the dedicated filters.

Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions.

reach out

You can directly call us if you have any question or you can contact us through the following form, and we will get back to you.